Before you plan to buy insurance policy, you must be aware, why insurance is so important for you? Life is unpredictable and insurance is the simplest way to cope with the unforeseen and unexpected. It is the best back-up that you or your dependents can rely on when risks become a reality and results in loss of life and property. An insurance acts as a rain coat that saves you from rain when its raining. Life, property and wealth are always at risk. Risk can be in the form of accidents, natural calamities, disasters, theft, riots etc. The “it can’t-happen-to-me” attitude is most unwise.“If you are young, fit and healthy do you need Insurance?” The answer is yes. Plan well and start early. That’s the best way to make insurance work for you. Premiums will be low, processing will be minimal and a long term financial cover is in place to take care of later years. Whether you have no loans or liabilities, Insurance acts as a contingency plan to take care of uncertainties. It is a way of providing for your dependents and ensuring continuity of their material needs and wants in your unfortunate absence. Some of us may think insurance as an unnecessary cost and expense. But we are wrong, Insurance is a responsibility. It is the best safeguard to mitigate risk as it alleviates loss in the event of risk becoming a reality. The price of getting insured is negligible compared to the value that insurance delivers. Insurance is sensible, practical and above all, the right thing to do. Hopefully, you now realize that insurance is necessary in today’s world. So let’s move on.
There are four questions you should have in mind when you set out to purchase insurance.
What really happens if you aren’t covered? Imagine a scenario for a while and play it out in your mind. Can it even affect you? Can you recover from it at all? Now the point comes which insurance you should buy that suit your needs well. To pick the right insurance policy is like buying a house or planning retirement. A winner is one who plans for the future with insurance.
There are two different kinds of insurance we offer our clients with:-
Life Insurance is a financial cover towards contingency linked with human life, such as sudden demise, disability, accident, retirement etc. Human life is always at risks of death and disability due to natural or unnatural causes due to which there is loss of income to the household. Though human life cannot be valued, Life Insurance offers a definite monetary sum (Sum Assured) in case the policy holder dies during the term of the policy or becomes disabled on account of an accident. Life insurance is required to ensure financial support in the event of your demise, to finance your childs education, to have a constant source of income after retirement and to meet other financial contingencies and life style requirements arising due to serious illness or accident. Everyone who has a family to support and is an income earner needs Life Insurance. The amount of Life Insurance coverage you need depends on many factors like: How many dependants do you have, What is your family lifestyle, What your investment needs are and how much you can afford.
Adequate health insurance for family is becoming a foremost requirement to enjoy a stress free life! One realizes the importance of health insurance when someone in the family falls sick. We do save for a dream holiday destination or a dream house or for our child’s education needs. But we rarely plan or set aside money for medical emergencies that may come up at any unexpected moment and when they do, we are caught completely unprepared. The better and advanced medical care has become very expensive nowadays. When you or someone in your family needs medical help, a mediclaim or health insurance policy is one of your best options. To ensure and meet all the financial goals of our esteemed clients and to provide them sufficient protection against known risks, we have added Apollo Munich Health Insurance to our basket of financial service offerings.
To attain maximum benefit and great value, we always put forth some of the best similar products, so that you can analyze the best insurance policy in India. As one of the top insurance service providers in Delhi, we acknowledge the needs of our clients and customize plans accordingly. We at Fundzline, understand your insurance needs and suggest the right type of cover. To get a fresh perspective on how to start your insurance, do contact us.
Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days. Or just call us now